Our solution for success

Creating better tools, operating like owners.

The HRS Partners Story

The vision that embodies HRS Partners came into focus in late 2011, long before our company’s founding. It began with a problem: Companies do not design accounting and operational systems to support the needs of structured finance. Nevertheless, the first instinct in the face of new securitization management and reporting requirements is to try to shoehorn them into legacy systems with Microsoft Excel TM or an off-the-shelf “reporting” tool. Our partners lived that reality, and the results were suboptimal in every way. Fortunately, we were empowered by great leaders with the mandate and checkbook to solve it.

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Our journey to a solution showed us that the problem was a two-way street. Not only were the systems suboptimal for managing the financings, but the financings were also suboptimal because of the systems (Should cash really sit idly in a bank account for 25 days after the end of the month because it takes that long to produce servicing reports?). We determined that only through a deep, holistic approach to financing and system architecture could we achieve our desired outcome: best-in-breed financing platforms managed with best-in-breed tools. With this realization, we were then empowered to re-engineer the financings themselves given what we had proven we could do with technology. By all accounts, we succeeded spectacularly.

We determined that only through a deep, holistic approach to financing and system architecture could we achieve our desired outcome: best-in-breed financing platforms managed with best-in-breed tools.

That mindset carried over to the founding of our company five years later, and it embodies what we do every day for our clients. Simply put, we believe good enough is not, as we always aim to achieve outcomes we would expect if we owned the company.

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